All Picknell, William Lamb 's Paintings
The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z

Choice ID Image  Paintings (From A to Z)       Details 
19881 From my Studio Windows  From my Studio Windows   Oil on canvas Private collection.
19880 Man in a Boat  Man in a Boat   Oil on canvas Private collection.
19878 Road to Concarneau  Road to Concarneau   1880 Oil on canvas Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
19877 The Grand Canal with San Giorgio Maggiore  The Grand Canal with San Giorgio Maggiore   1875 Oil on canvas.
19879 View from a Meadow  View from a Meadow   1891 Oil on canvas Private collection.

Picknell, William Lamb
American, 1853-1897 was a United States painter of landscapes, coastal views, and figure genres, known for his rapid painting style. He was born in Hinesburg, Vermont and died in Marblehead,

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